About us

We Are Quintius

UK’s Finance & IT Professionals Partner.

A young, dynamic and fast growing Recruitment and Staffing agency. We have clear standards and stand behind our values. We are a transparent and responsible organization who is giving back to the community as well, simply because we can and believe it is important.

We deliver smiles to Finance & IT.

Work with Quintius

Quintius originated from a previous Staffing company called Quinnoah Consulting, founded in 2017 in The Netherlands, with a total of 55 internal colleagues employed after 4 years. Quintius aims to provide the same services and results in the UK market as we already did so well in The Netherlands. 

Providing highly skilled, highly educated and driven professionals to UK’s Finance & IT market for a fair fee. Delivering results through focus and experience and delivering smiles to our colleagues at Finance & IT departments in the process.

We answer and match requests for skilled professionals for our partners. Among our partners, the major banks, insurers, pension funds, lenders and other financial institutions where there is a need for our Finance & IT Professionals and Talent, within the UK and other countries within the EU.

We want to help people, we want to help businesses, we want to help society and provide smiles to work in the process.

About us

Our Mission

We want to help people, we want to help businesses, we want to help society and provide smiles to work in the process.


Our why

We want to help people, make them happy at work and good at their jobs, we want to help people advance in their career. We want to help people find their dream job, to help find their best possible purpose and to bring about much more than simply a job. We want to give back to society.

We wish to combine skills, experience, education, drive and hard work with smiles and put them to work.

For our partners, we deliver results, through our focus and experience, we make the difference through our obsession in finding the right match with the right Professional and the right Talent to be placed at exactly the right position.

We give back to society through our chosen charities and donations, we find that important and our duty, simply because we can.

Our how

We tend to do things a bit different than others…
At Quintius, we put our professional first. You are our priority and our priority is to make and keep you happy. We will keep our professionals engaged and challenged, we will go the extra mile and even beyond that. We go for long term relations with our people.

Next to that, we believe in solid partners. Solid partnerships which are based on equality. We only work with partners which share our values and ethics. We strongly believe Recruitment and Staffing is a process, not just a project, we focus on long term partnerships and relationships.

We only provide skilled and educated professionals who fit our high standards, our high values and work ethics. We service skilled and driven professionals, we deliver the best possible match on all fronts. We thus provide long term results.

Our philosophy? When our professionals are happy, when he or she is in the best possible position at work, being challenged and doing what he/she loves and does best, when they have all possibilities to develop new skills and perfect their current skills, when all that is in order…

Then the enthusiasm and skills will multiply in outstanding results for our professionals ánd our partners.
Basically we deliver professionals & smiles to work.

Our what

We help people, we help businesses, we help society and provide smiles to work in the process.

Our team

Meet Our Team

Rob van Geel

Managing Director

Philippa Edge

Account Manager Finance staffing

Jantine de Vos

Recruiter Finance & IT

Kimberley Bethlehem

Lead Talent Manager


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